Claire Davis ’24

Claire Davis commencement photo

Claire Davis ‘24
Majors: Political Science and Journalism
Minor: Women’s and Gender Studies
Next Step: USC Gould School of Law

Hailing from Seattle, Washington, Claire Davis ’24 is an aspiring attorney passionate about social justice issues. Davis decided to major in political science and journalism and minor in women's and gender studies because they were the subjects she was most excited to learn about, and she was confident they would develop in her the critical thinking skills needed for law school. After LMU, Davis will attend USC Gould School of Law as part of the Juris Doctorate class of 2027 Honors Scholars Program. 

The campus tour Davis took during her senior year of high school cemented her decision to attend LMU. “No other university I visited had the same energy, kindness, and student support,” said Davis. 

While at LMU, she found mentors in both of her majors. Kevin Curran, clinical assistant professor of journalism, and Matthew Dewey, clinical assistant professor of interdisciplinary media in communication studies, ignited her love for media law and journalism ethics. Andres Dilts, associate professor of political science, and Janie Steckenrider, associate professor of political science, changed her way of thinking about social justice issues. Her favorite classes, including “Sex and the City of God” (WGST), “Media Law” (JOUR), “Gender and the Law” (POLS), “Punishment and Mercy” (POLS), and her first-year seminar, “Gender Fluidity in Shakespeare,” further enriched her academic journey.

“The Jesuit emphasis on growing the whole person allowed her to study subjects she was passionate about while pushing herself out of her comfort zone,” said Davis.

Her most impactful role at LMU was serving as the ASLMU Vice President of Academic Affairs. This position allowed her to interact with individuals from across campus, learn about various aspects of campus life, and advocate for the student body. A highlight of her tenure was interviewing her childhood hero, author and vlogger John Green, on stage during First Amendment Week.

Her interest in law stems from her love of reading, writing, and advocating for others. Initially driven by a desire to support survivors of sexual assault and champion women's rights, her interest has expanded to include employment, media, and corporate law.

Davis wants to use her law degree to help people. “My ultimate career goal isn’t that flashy,” she says. “It can be as ‘simple’ as writing contracts or as grand as the next televised court case. If I have helped make some people’s lives a little better in ten years, I’ll be happy.”

Her advice to current BCLA students is to embrace the diversity of available classes, majors, and experiences. “At the end of the day, college is about growing, so use it as an opportunity to learn something new while you have the resources at your disposal,” says Davis. “Go to the club meeting you don’t know anyone at, run for the executive board position, and attend the event you know nothing about. Most of my learning in college happened outside of the classroom, so make the most of your time at LMU. The greatest gift college gave me was my education and, above all, my friends. Go make some memories!”.