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The Modern Greek Studies minor provides students the opportunity to study Modern Greece (19th c. to the present) in an interdisciplinary context: its language and culture, history and politics, Greek Orthodox spirituality, literature and the arts (theater, film, music, visual arts, etc.). The minor is designed to complement a wide range of academic fields and disciplines and is aimed at students interested in interdisciplinary international studies.

What do Modern Greek Studies Minors do?

Our students study the principle aspects of Modern Greek language and culture, special topics on Modern Greek history and politics, the beliefs and practices of the Greek Orthodox tradition in a theological, historical, and cultural context, representative works of the Modern Greek literary and artistic production, as well as the theoretical tools for their understanding and critical analysis.

In the process, students develop the analytical and critical skills that allow them to make connections between the classroom and real world issues and become critical thinkers. The minor promotes intercultural awareness and understanding and provides the tools for students to become engaged global citizens.

Students are encouraged to design their own course of study depending on their academic and personal interests.

Our minors have great opportunities for studying abroad, academic scholarships, grants, and professional internships.

Is This Minor Right for you?

Our students come from a great number of different majors and backgrounds. They are students who are:

  • Interested in interdisciplinary studies
  • Passionate about languages and the arts
  • Interested in European history and politics
  • Interested in doing field-work in Greece (History, Classics and Archaeology, Art History, Theater, Business, Political Science, etc.)
  • Seeking careers in education, non-profits, diplomacy, international law and business
  • Of Greek heritage who want to learn more about their culture

Representative Courses

  • Elementary /Intermediate Modern Greek
  • Advanced Modern Greek Conversation
  • Surveys of Contemporary Greek Literature
  • Greek Modernism
  • Women's Writing
  • Contemporary Greek Poetry
  • Contemporary Greek Theater
  • Special Topics in Modern Greek
  • Society and Council
  • Contemporary Art and Music
  • Modern Greek Literature and Myth
  • Greek Literature and Philosophy
  • Special topics in Modern Greek History
  • Greek Orthodox Tradition and Spirituality
  • Greek Art and Music
  • Contemporary issues in Greece, the European Union, and the Eastern Mediterranean