The Landship Saga (2023)
Directed by Time Circus Collective

Duration: 20 mins
The creative collective TimeCircus started their trip on May 27, 2022 from Antwerp, traversing Europe on foot dragging the massive Landship, in order to reach Elefsina on Saturday, February 4, 2023 and take part in the spectacular Opening Ceremony of the 2023 Eleusis European Capital of Culture. TimeCircus traveled 3,000 kilometers on foot, in nine months passed through the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania with the landship which is a two-wheeled ark/vehicle, weighs 3,400 kg, is 3.6 meters high and 9 meters long.
A rare travel video-diary through the eyes of the collective. A months-long project that aims to capture the manifesto and living experience of a very special artistic group.
Their long journey emits a vivid commentary on the 21st century of recession, climate change and the immeasurable consumption of natural resources.