Lindsay Sohn ‘23
Major: Political Science
Minors: Theatre Arts and Peace and Justice Studies
Next Step: London School of Economics for Gender, Peace, and Security
Lindsay Sohn has used her undergraduate education to study social justice issues across disciplines. “A lot of my experience at LMU was me trying to figure out how I can best make an impact on our country and the world in general,” said Sohn.
Sohn was drawn to LMU for a curriculum that would enable her to study theatre and the performing arts, as well as the humanities and social sciences. Through her theatre arts minor, Sohn has taken courses exploring queer theater and theater and social change. “There are so many amazing artists here in LA (including many at LMU) and beyond who are breaking down barriers through their art,” she said.
As a political science major and peace and justice studies minor, Sohn has had several encounters where themes, issues, and ideas she was studying in class were playing out in real time and in the real world. Sohn was enrolled in “Law and Social Change” studying how historical court decisions and legislation impact our political system and society right before the Supreme Court made its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. “This was maybe the first time in an academic setting where I felt the work I was doing was extremely relevant to what was happening in our world,” she said.
In Spring 2023, Sohn took a BCLA Global Immersion course “Peace and Reconciliation” with Máire Ford and Jennifer Ramos that traveled to Northern Ireland and Dublin over spring break to study different dimensions of the conflict and various processes underway to build sustainable peace. “Throughout the trip, we were able to talk to individuals on both sides of the conflict, which allowed us gain insight into how complex, divisive, and intractable conflicts can be,” said Sohn. “I loved meeting professionals who are actively engaging in peace processes and learning about the obstacles and future possibilities for peace in Northern Ireland.”
Sohn did not grow up religious, but is interested in the connection between religion, our belief systems, and our politics. She immensely enjoyed the theology courses she was required to take at LMU and how they added another dimension to her understanding of current affairs.
“I think the ‘education of the whole person’ is extremely relevant. I think that it can be really harmful when we only educate ourselves on what we are directly interested in and fail to look at the whole picture. I feel that the classes that I took at LMU provided me with a breadth education, examining issues from different perspectives and areas of study,” said Sohn.
Sohn is looking forward to deepening her critical thinking, research, and writing skills at the London School of Economics in a program that aligns with her values and desire to contribute to the creation of more peaceful and just world. “I am extremely interested in the ways in which women in conflict and post-conflict societies are impacted. I’d like to emphasize in my master’s dissertation the need for women in peacekeeping and peace building efforts, as well as in leading roles on the international stage,” said Sohn. “I also think that gender theory and conflict studies are extremely relevant to the United States, where I’d like to eventually study gender and sexuality law.”