Engaged Learning Mini Grants

Engaged Learning courses typically involve ongoing partnerships with communities or work on projects that requires students to apply knowledge and skills gained in the classroom to a real-world problem or issue, connect the out-of-classroom experience with academic content, and reflect critically on the experience. Engaged learning experiences can include faculty-mentored research, field experience, internships, practicum, study abroad or community-based learning. 

Please note: Typically, one-time excursions or activities are considered "Experiential Learning" and would be funded if they are a component of a broader Engaged Learning curriculum, but not as one-off events.  

Departmental and Interdisciplinary Grant Application: offered for departmental or interdisciplinary team teams that engage their students in meaningful work that supports the goals of Engaged Learning. The goal of this funding is to support departments or teams’ consideration of how engaged learning can be applied across class years or subject matter to strategically impact student knowledge of communities, social issues, approaches to addressing social issues, and/or partnerships with specific communities. A minimum of 2 courses would require student participation and the activities should help students build their understanding of how they can use their disciplinary knowledge to address real world issues. Examples of activities might be a community tour to understand the underlying issues impacting a population that you study. A workshop on how to advocate for women's rights. A training on utilizing historical documents to understand and address current social issues. A hands on charette on Public Philosophy. Please contact Deanna Cooke to apply. 

Engaged Learning Course Grant Application: The Engaged Learning grants support the costs affiliated with engaging students in community contexts. These are courses with an intentional application of course content to community identified needs that enhances equity, justice and the common good; incorporates student reflection on and consideration of the connection between course content and community-based work; and is reciprocal, with mutually beneficial relationships with the greater community.  

Who Can Apply?

All instructors teaching a BCLA engaged learning course. The course can be an undergraduate or graduate course. Courses with an Engaged Learning Flag for the Core Curriculum are given priority.

Contact Dr. Deanna Cooke at dcooke1@lmu.edu with any questions.