All courses are 4 units; upper division courses offered by the Modern Greek Studies program fulfill the University’s Core requirements, and have Engaged Learning flags.
The minor in Modern Greek Studies consists of 20 semester hours, of which at least 12 hours must be at the 3000 or 4000 level. The following distribution is recommended, with the approval of the director of the minor:
- 8 semester hours of Modern Greek language instruction (2 courses)
- 12 semester hours of upper division courses offered by the Modern Greek Studies program and/or affiliated departments (3 courses)
Special Studies / Independent Studies courses may be counted towards the Minor upon approval by the Modern Greek Studies director.
Students minoring in Modern Greek Studies may design their own individualized program in consultation with the director of the Center and their advisor. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in the Odyssey Study Abroad Program in Greece for a full immersion experience and earn 4-8 semester hours.
Students with previous knowledge of the language or with previous language course credit are requested to contact the program director to schedule a placement exam.
A minimum GPA of 2.0 must be maintained in minor courses.