From the beginning, the Jewish Studies Program has sought to create a robust curriculum that enhances and enlarges LMU’s course offerings, feeding student interest in Judaism through a structure of courses and related programs. As the amount and kinds of courses have grown, the programming has broadened to include the annual Fischmann Family Lecture, Kristallnacht Commemoration, Yom Hashoah, and BCLA Interfaith Forum. Through these programs and more, Jewish Studies brings to campus internationally acclaimed figures in Jewish life and letters, such as Yossi Klein Halevi, Doris Bergen, Jeffrey Shandler, Elie Wiesel, Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, Ambassador Michael Oren, Ruth Kluger, Maxim Shrayer, Laurie Levenson, Thane Rosenbaum, and others.
Department Calendar
The Jewish Studies Program offers a variety of unique programming, all open and available to the public for free. To see what's coming up, check out our department calendar here.
Upcoming and Past Events
To see information about upcoming and archived annual events, select an event series below.