Safety and Liability

The Office of Risk Management creates and provides the university policies on risk and liability and should be consulted on any issues related to risk and liability. You can find their website at: Programs & Procedures - Loyola Marymount University (

Below are some pointers to keep in mind that often relate to BCLA Engaged Learning courses.

Student Safety

In case of emergency dial 911 from off campus or 222 from any on campus phone. There are no steadfast rules required by the University to follow in regard to safety while engaged in community-based learning.  It is up to the faculty member to provide all of the pertinent information about the area they are going into, especially if the area poses some kind of risk.  Possibilities for supporting student safety include:

  • Students working in pairs or groups
  • Not sending students into certain areas at night
  • Asking students to park as closely as possible to their community site
  • Having students be cognizant of their surroundings at all times


As a general rule, when students are conducting field trips and internships and getting class credit for them, LMU does not require waivers. A voluntary trip might require a waiver depending on the type of trip and the risks involved.  That would be a case-by-case decision and should be discussed with Risk Management.


Because of the limited transportation options to get to community locations from LMU, many students and faculty drive themselves and classmates to their community placement sites.  Students, staff or faculty members can use their own cars, but should know that if they use their own vehicles then their own insurance is in effect.

The Center for Service and Action and several other on campus venues have vans that can be borrowed, once one has been safety certified by the office of Risk Management.  If renting a van from an off-campus company, the university’s only fast rule is there can be no 15-passenger vans.

If you require a bus for your class, the LMU approved bus list in below:

Approved Charter Companies-2024/25


COI Expires


Pacific Coachways



(866) 649-2560

United Limousine and Charter Inc.



(949) 486-7900

Pacer Enterprise



(310) 338-5444

Car-Limo LLC 5/22, 6/26



(818) 246-2800

Superior/Transportation Charter Services Inc




Lux Bus America Co. 5/22 vm Michael Rubin



 (503) 943-6621

American Transportation







Reporting Incidents

If there is an incident during class, either on or off campus, you and/or the student must notify DPS immediately and make a report and then notify risk management.

Department of Public Safety
1 LMU Dr., Foley Annex Building
Los Angeles, Ca. 90045
Phone 310-338-2893
Fax: 310-338-5818

In case of emergency dial 222 from any on campus phone; or 911.

Inviting Guests to Campus

We sometimes invite adults or young people (minors) on to campus for talks or presentations. A contract should be arranged between LMU and any speakers we hire. Risk Management has templates that can be used.  If minors are brought to campus to participate in a program, we should get parent consent forms. These documents must come from Risk Management.

More Information

Please download the form below for information on risk management and liability for engaged learning courses.

Engaged Learning Risk Management PDF

For information about the University's indemnification policies please see the attached document:

LMU Indemnity Statement