Teaching Grants & Support

Students looking out over the bluff at dusk

BCLA offers grants and funding to enhance your classroom and teaching experience. Whether you’re looking to integrate real-world experiences with classroom studies, improve classroom learning through interactive and engaging components, or develop or redesign a semester-long course that includes a global immersion trip, you can find info and apply for resources to turn your ideas into impactful educational experiences for our students.

Engaged Learning

Engaged Learning (EL) courses are a core curriculum requirement designed to integrate classroom studies with experiences beyond the classroom.  This pedagogy asks students (and faculty) to engage in significant and ongoing work that challenge students to think more critically and deeply about what they are studying. Engaged learning combines experiential opportunities with academic preparation and involves active, hands-on learning, critical reflection, and the integration of experience with knowledge. 

Learn more about Engaged Learning 

Apply for Engaged Learning

Course Enhancement Funding

This funding is designed to provide faculty with an opportunity to access funding that supports course enhancements that add to the educational experience of their students. This funding is secondary to departmental funding; so please request funding from your department before applying for this mini-grant. There are no specific limitations on the types of expenses that may be requested, but we expect that faculty might need items such as unique materials or computer programs, transportation to a community location, or tickets to a museum or events. Expenses up to $750 can be approved quickly as funding is available. Over this amount will require a secondary review. All funding is subject to the availability in the budget.

Apply for Course Enhancement Funding

Global Learning & Immersions

The BCLA Dean’s Office invites faculty applications for funding to support Global Immersion courses being offered in Spring 2026. The Global Immersion Funding Program is designed to support courses that include Global Immersion trips as part of a semester-long course. BCLA’s support of Global Immersion courses encourages faculty to consider how a global experience enacts both the course objectives, as well as broader disciplinary goals such as Departmental learning outcomes and the University’s commitment to a Global Imagination. Further, the AAC&U asserts that global learning is a critical analysis of and an engagement with complex, interdependent global systems and legacies and their implications for people’s lives and the Earth’s sustainability (see AAC&U Global Learning Rubric). BCLA encourages faculty to consider how their Global Immersion course breathes life into an LMU Liberal Arts education. 

The College will support as many course proposals as possible. The trips would take place during spring break, Easter break, or in the weeks immediately following the conclusion of classes in early May. Global Immersion is open to tenured, tenure-line, and term faculty (clinical and instructors), but priority may be given to tenured and tenure-line faculty. Contingent faculty (visiting assistant professors, part-time faculty, and post-docs) are not eligible.

Due Date: 5:00 P.M. on Monday, March 3, 2025.

Apply for Global Immersion

  • If an application is approved, the Dean's Office will work closely with the faculty member by providing financial and logistical support for the Global Immersion trip. Depending on the nature of the trip, this will include covering all faculty costs and supporting students with demonstrated financial need. Faculty leaders will receive a $2, 500 course development stipend for newly proposed courses.

    To submit an application, please complete the fields below and attach the supporting materials as requested by 5:00PM on March 3, 2025. The application can also be emailed to the BCLA Resource & Planning Manager Jasmine Hamm (jasmine.hamm@lmu.edu) by 5:00PM on March 3, 2025. The online application saves work in progress, but after one month of inactivity, the response will be recorded as-is. Please note: Save and Continue uses cookies to save progress. It will only work if the survey is re-accessed on the same internet browser on the same computer.

    All proposals will be reviewed by the BCLA Student Success and Engagement Committee, which will make recommendations to the Dean who makes the final decision. Applicants will be notified whether their proposal has been approved by May 9, 2025, so there will be sufficient time to plan and organize the course and trip over the summer.

    Please direct any questions to Jasmine Hamm (jasmine.hamm@lmu.edu).

    Apply for Global Immersion