Summer 2020: Ask Alumni
"Ask Alumni: Job Searching During Times of Crisis"
with Liz Connolly, assistant director of alumni engagement and liberal arts
Monday, Aug. 10, 2020 | 5:30 p.m.
Join LMU Career and Professional Development in conversation with alumni in Talent Acquisition about strategies for navigating the job search or a job transition in our current national and global context. We will address questions such as: How does one conduct an effective job search in the midst of a global pandemic? How does one pursue meaningful, mission-driven work? How can one turn to the LMU community for networking and support? We will reserve time for questions from attendees, so please bring your questions!
BCLA Alumni Panelists:
Edward Avila '91, Vice President, Talent Acquisition at Alation
Tony Lopez '92, Vice President, Global Talent Acquisition, Automation Anywhere
Anjali Chopra '17, University Relations & Recruiting @ Northrop Grumman