Peace and Justice Studies

Use the core to add a minor in Peace and Justice Studies! Adding an PJST minor can fulfill up to 4 core requirements.

Minor Requirements Core Satisfactions
Intro to Peace and Justice Studies (PJST 1000) EHBV
Peace and Conflict focused course FDIV/IINC/LENL
Social, Environmental, Economic, and Legal Justice focused course IINC/ IFTR/ FDIV/ LENL
Ethical Approaches focused course INTJ
Engaged Learning focused course LENL

Example Curriculum:

Course 1: PJST 1000 (Intro to Peace and Justice Studies)  EHBV
Course 2: HIST 2300 (Red, White and Black)  FDIV
Course 3: SOCL 3341 (Politics, Faith, and Civic Engagement)  IINC
Course 4: JWST 4370 (Nazi Germany and Questions of Conscience) IFTR
Course 5: POLS 3440 (Politics in the Middle East) IINC/ LENL

For more details on PJST minor requirements and core satisfactions, see our PJST Advising Form.

To add a PJST minor to your degree, complete the Change of Academic Program Form