Rev. James L. Fredericks Comparative Theology Fellowship

The Rev. James L. Fredericks Comparative Theology Fellowship was created to honor its namesake's legacy and commitment to both comparative theological inquiry and interreligious dialogue. It supports joint student and faculty research in comparative theology and seeks to promote religious literacy through theological inquiry into different religious traditions.

Past Recipients

Fellows Dr. Enriquez and Hannah Van den Thillart at the 2023 Religion Matters Undergraduate Conference

2022 Fredericks Fellows

Undergraduate student Hannah Van den Thillart and Faculty Partner Dr. Karen Enriquez, "How the Teachings and Practices of Prayer and Meditation from the Buddhist and Christian Tradition Can Help Anxiety, Depression Related Symptoms in Palliative Care Patients: An Analysis of Current Practice and Future Use"

Graduate student Serafina Blake and Faculty Partner Dr. Tracy Tiemeier, "Finding God in the Body: Integrating Embodied Rituals from Sri Vidya Tantra with the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola"

2021 Fredericks Fellows

Undergraduate student Marceline Burnett and Faculty Partner Dr. Roy Fisher; Graduate student Leonardo Mendoza and Faculty Partner Dr. Amir Hussain

2020 Fredericks Fellows

Undergraduate student Savana Mata and Faculty Partner Dr. Daniel Smith Christopher; Undergraduate student Catherine Bayless and Faculty Partner Dr. Karen Enriquez

2019 Fredericks Fellows

Graduate student Leonardo Mendoza and Faculty Partner Dr. Roy Fisher; Graduate student Jane Griesemer and Faculty Partner Dr. Christopher Miller

2018 Fredericks Fellows

Graduate student Kristin Kissell and Faculty Partner Dr. Tracy Tiemeier; Graduate student Amanda Argueta and Faculty Partner Dr. Karen Enriquez

2017 Fredericks Fellows

Undergraduate student Katherine Merkl and Faculty Partner Dr. Amir Hussain; Undergraduate student Harmon Brah and Faculty Partner Dr. Nirinjan Khalsa

2016 Fredericks Fellows

Undergraduate student Melissa Cedillo and Faculty Partner Dr. Tracy Tiemeier; Undergraduate student Alexander G. Topper and Faculty Partner Dr. Eric Meyer