Peace and Justice Studies
Peace and Justice Studies is an academic multidisciplinary minor program that engages in critical analysis of social, political and economic movements, issues, and structures that both contribute to and provide obstacles to the creation and sustainability of a more just and peaceful world. Peace and Justice Studies students explore pressing issues of our time, from environmental justice to conflict resolution, through a rich diversity of disciplines. Grounded in LMU’s mission, this program is dedicated to the encouragement of learning, the education of the whole person, and the service of faith and the promotion of justice.
Why I Minor in PJST
I’ve always had a passion for learning. I appreciate a well-rounded education, and restricting myself to one subject has always been a personal challenge. When I found the PJST minor as an undeclared freshman, I knew I had found the perfect minor for me.
With this minor, I’m able to explore all the subjects and concepts that I’m interested in such as sociology, environmental justice, and peace and conflict in communities. In fact, declaring this minor and taking related classes helped me eventually decide on my major, Sociology. The classes I take each semester complement each other in ways I never expected.
By far, my favorite courses at LMU have been those I’ve taken for my PJST minor. If I could recommend one course in particular, I’d recommend: Gender, Race, and Environmental Justice. This class was absolutely amazing! I learned the principles of environmental justice, related historical events, the feminization of nature, and constructions of our interactions with the environment. After taking this course, I realized I want to learn more about topics in Environmental Sociology.
The professors I’ve had through this minor are all amazing and incredibly talented. As I prepare for my next steps, I can’t help but think of them and all the things I’ve learned as their student. This minor, the courses and faculty have pushed me to consider a career in academia, with the desire of inspiring other students to create knowledge just like they inspired me.
– Judith Chavez-Cardenas, Peace and Justice Minor