A Historical View of Oxford, United Kingdom

“Studying abroad in Oxford is a dream for History majors (or, at least, it was for this History major). Every street in Oxford is defined by the ancient architecture of the university’s colleges, churches, and libraries.

I think the best way to convey the experience of studying at Oxford is this: walking from where I was staying at Queen’s College to get lunch at Blackwell’s bookstore (probably the best bookstore I have ever been to) I passed University Church, Oxford’s first church established over 1000 years ago; the Radcliffe Camera, the world’s first circular library (our library’s distant ancestor); the Bodleian Library, which holds over 13 million items, including the original manuscripts of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species; a pub called King’s Arms, where the first showing of Hamlet outside London was performed, several filming locations from the Harry Potter movies, and the alley that inspired C.S. Lewis to write The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. All in five minutes. Needless to say I was distracted. If you get the chance, you should get distracted by Oxford too.” - Michael Nacey, History Major, 2022