Kioni Shropshire-Maina '23

A History Major goes to Congress!

Kioni in Washington

In the summer of 2022, History major Kioni Shropshire-Maina ’23 had the opportunity to intern with the United States Senate during one of the most productive sessions on record! Her seven week legislative internship in the Office of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) allowed her to get a deeper look at progressive policy-making and the world of legislative politics. 

As a legislative intern, Kioni’s duties centered around constituent engagement and communication. For example, she answered the phones when people called in with questions, comments and concerns, and directed people seeking assistance with federal agencies to the relevant offices. This gave Kioni a unique chance to hear the concerns and opinions of a wide range of Americans. In addition, she gave tours of the Capitol, attended hearings and wrote up memos and ran errands for staffers. She was able to use her historical research skills to help prepare for hearings and provide insight on specific subject matter to staffers. 
The legislative internship also provided a chance for networking—having the opportunity to talk with other interns, staffers and policy specialists exposed Kioni to new career paths and possibilities. In addition, it allowed her gain insight on what it’s like to work in politics and governance. 
After graduation, Kioni plans on applying for a Master’s degree in History, with a focus on international and global history.