HIST 5200 Seminar in Modern European History

HIST 5200 Seminar in Modern European History: The Artist & the Machine

Manchester, England (spring 2016)

Professor Amy Woodson-Boulton’s spring 2016 seminar “The Artist and the Machine” worked with mental health charity The Horsfall Space, the Manchester Art Gallery, and the University of Manchester to put together an online exhibition, “Thomas Horsfall in Context.” Horsfall was a Victorian reformer who worked to bring art to one of the poorest areas in industrial Manchester, and The Horsfall Space has recently opened near the location of his original Ancoats Art Museum to continue his work, using art for healing and community building. The students’ website project explained the broader historical context for his work and will be integrated into the new Horsfall Space website (see Public History Projects page for more information).

HIST 5200 students in front of Manchester’s Town Hall    Coniston Water at John Ruskin's Brantwood, Lake District