1 LMU Drive, UH 4726 
Los Angeles, CA 90045 
P: 310.568.6634
E: jesus.manzocubilla@lmu.edu

Jesus Manzo Cubilla
Research Assistant

Jesus Manzo Cubilla is a Research Assistant at the Psychology Applied Research Center. He graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, where he majored in Psychology with a minor in Global Public Health. During his undergraduate studies, he conducted research on emotions, emotion regulation, personality, interpersonal relationships, and psychophysiology at the Relationships and Social Cognition Laboratory. His work included assessing the regulatory function of contextualized mind-frames in reducing negative emotional reactivity arising from undesirable-trait perceptions of one’s partner in conflictive situations. In the future, Jesus hopes  to pursue a doctoral program conducting research on emotions within contexts including the nature of emotions, emotion regulation, relationships, and neurological disorders.