SCREENINGS: Born in Flames and Golden Chain
12:00 PM | Mayer Theater | Register
Q&A with directors Lizzie Borden, Adebukola Buki Bodunrin, and Ezra Clayton Daniels will follow.

Born In Flames
directed by Lizzie Borden
The movie that rocked the foundations of the early Indie film world, this provocative, thrilling and still-relevant classic is a comic fantasy of female rebellion set in America ten years after the Second American Revolution. When Adelaide Norris, the black radical founder of the Woman’s Army, is mysteriously killed, a diverse coalition of women - across all lines of race, class, and sexual preference - emerges to blow the System apart.

Golden Chain
directed by Adebukola Buki Bodunrin & Ezra Clayton Daniels
The distant future. A Nigerian space station in a remote corner of the galaxy orbits an artificial pinpoint of matter so dense it cannot exist in our solar system. It is a recreation of the birth of the universe itself, contained for the purpose of study, and overseen by Yetunde, sole crew member on the space station Eko.