Students who successfully complete the Urban Studies major should…

Know – Understand…

  1. The general history of urbanization and its associated economic and demographic processes
  2. The structures and expressions of urbanization and urban life associated with modern and postmodern cities
  3. The structures and expressions of urbanization and urban life associated with cities of the developed realms/core and those associated with cities of the less developed realm/periphery
  4. The basic research questions and agendas associated with the various disciplines contributing to our understanding of urban issues.
  5. The general expressions of urbanization and urban life associated with contemporary Los Angeles
  6. The common theories, practices, and methodologies employed in contemporary urban planning and policy analysis 

Do - Be able to…

  1. Effectively employ contemporary social science methodology in the analysis of urban issues
  2. Demonstrate written and oral competencies in the analysis of urban issues and policy
  3. Identify and utilize appropriate primary data, including census materials, for the analysis of urban issues
  4. Apply their understanding of urban issues to the development and critical analysis of programs and policies appropriate to addressing contemporary social and economic problems
  5. Successfully pursue graduate education in such areas as urban planning, public administration, policy analysis, social welfare, and the law upon completion of their major


  1. Diverse perspectives in the analysis and assessment of urban issues and policies
  2. Thoughtful analysis of the implications of urbanization and urban policy in the context of social justice and sound environmental practices
  3. Rigorous, scientific research that enlightens the experience of urban populations and contributes to the resolution of the social and environmental problems associated with urbanization
  4. Community-based participation in the development of programs and policies that contribute to the social, economic, political, and environmental improvement of their communities and cities