Learning Outcomes

By virtue of their Theological Studies courses, majors should:

  • Identify the beliefs and practices of major religious traditions, including Christianity and especially Catholic Christianity;
  • Understand the richness and complexity of theological and religious traditions, especially in light of contemporary issues and diverse voices;
  • Examine and evaluate critically the diverse ways in which religious beliefs and practices change across time and space;
  • Integrate theological and religious questions and problems through the careful study of a major theological or religious thinker or theme;
  • Develop theological and religious comprehension and reflection through the acquisition of a research language or engaged learning.

By virtue of their Theological Studies courses, minors should:

  • Identify the beliefs and practices of major religious traditions;
  • Understand the richness and complexity of theological and religious traditions, especially in light of contemporary issues and diverse voices;
  • Examine and evaluate critically the diverse ways in which religious beliefs and practices change across time and space;
  • Integrate theological and religious questions and problems through the careful study of either a major theological or religious thinker or a major theological or religious theme.