Many of our graduates have secured yoga faculty positions at universities and high schools around the United States. Students have also partnered with community organizations to implement the evidence-informed yoga program they created in the PGYT. Some of those include:

  • Yoga for Meaning and Stress Management in Adolescents
  • Yoga Therapy as Transformative Healing for C-PTSD; A Plutonian Journey
  • Yoga Therapy and Sexual Addiction
  • Managing Migraine: An Online Therapeutic Yoga Program
  • A Salutogenic Approach to Birthing for the African American Community
  • Eco Therapeutic Yoga Program for Mental Health Related to Covid-19 Pandemic
  • One-Week Yoga Retreat to Improve Cognitive Functioning, Perceived Vitality and Sense of Well-Being in Middle Age
  • 12-Week Trauma Informed Yoga Program for Elementary School Students
  • Eight-Week Therapeutic Yoga Intervention Program to Alleviate Burnout and Compassion Fatigue in Health Care Providers
  • Mindful Movement for Neurodiversity
  • Prenatal Yoga to Psychologically and Spiritually Prepare Women for Childbirth and Postpartum
  • One-Week Yoga Retreat for Early Pregnancy Loss Recovery
  • Eight-Week Online Yoga and Compassion Program for Older Adults
  • Eight-Week Yoga Program for Postpartum Health and Well-Being
  • Yoga Interventions to Promote Coping Skills & Emotional Regulation in Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
  • Restoration of the Whole Person with Yoga Therapy after Total Hip Arthroscopy