Yoga Therapy Certificate Courses

    • Yoga Therapy for Musculoskeletal Disorders (or evidence of successful completion of similar coursework)

      This course provides a comprehensive exploration of the application of therapeutic tools to address conditions associated musculoskeletal system that includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and the skeleton. The focus will be on the study of how conscious biomechanical actions influence unconscious physiological responses. Students will be able to assess musculoskeletal ailments, chart progress using SOAP notes, read and interpret doctor’s reports, synthesize intake and assessment, and apply customized practices for specific musculoskeletal conditions.
    • YRTX 890 - Yoga Therapy Educational Journey to India 

      Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga Therapy) finds its roots in India. This course is a two-week study
      abroad program in India visiting two of the oldest and most renowned yoga therapy
      centers in India: International Centre for Yoga, Education, and Research (ICYER)/Institute for Salutogenesis and Complementary Medicine (ISCM) in Pondicherry and Kaivalyadhama (KDHAM) in Lonavala. The course includes pre-trip class sessions to prepare students for the journey. This course will provide students with a deeper understanding of yoga therapy and its history, as well as a deeper cultural understanding of the Indian culture from which yoga therapy finds its roots. Most days will begin with yoga and meditation and continue with lectures in yoga therapy and visits to temples, caves, and important archeological sites.

    *Note: For BCLA Yoga Studies M.A. students, one of these courses meets the certificate elective requirement.


    • YGST 6060 - Health Science and Yoga II (3 semester hours)

      This course integrates concepts of modern science and the yogic subtle body as pertaining to the promotion of health and well-being. The potential therapeutic benefits of yoga practices, including asana, pranayama, meditation, bhavana, mantra, mudra, vihara (lifestyle modification), and applied yoga philosophy, will be discussed from both the classical and modern yoga perspectives. Students obtain skills in critically evaluating scientific yoga research and create an evidence-informed yoga therapy program for a population of their choice. 

    • YGST 6070 - Yoga Therapy Applications (3 semester hours)

      Principles of the therapeutic relationship, including communication skills and personal well-being, will be covered. Students will practice compassionate communication and demonstrate the ability to support clients one-on-one with empathy and professional boundaries. Specific implications for working with clients experiencing conditions will be covered on a case basis. Specific skills include subjective intake, yogic counseling, motivational interviewing, breath assessment, musculoskeletal screening, yoga diagnostic tools, autonomic nervous system assessment, and SOAP notes.

    • YGST 6080 - Yoga Therapy Practicum (3 semester hours) 

      Students will obtain experience and skills working one-on-one with clients or small therapeutic groups and presenting clinical case studies. Class sessions will focus on case study and small group yoga therapy program discussions to guide students in gaining skills and confidence working as a Yoga Therapist with clients suffering from a variety of mental and physical conditions. Students will apply knowledge learned in prior courses and contribute to the field through the creation of a digital research poster that may be utilized at a Yoga Therapy conference.

    • Yoga Therapy for Mental Health and Special Populations

    This course provides a comprehensive exploration of the application of therapeutic tools to address conditions associated musculoskeletal system that includes muscles, tendons, ligaments, joints, and the skeleton. The focus will be on the study of how conscious biomechanical actions influence unconscious physiological responses. Students will be able to assess musculoskeletal ailments, chart progress using SOAP notes, read and interpret doctor’s reports, synthesize intake and assessment, and apply customized practices for specific musculoskeletal conditions.

    • 125-hour Yoga Therapy Practicum Delivery 

    Details for Fall 2024 enrollment forthcoming.