LMU's Psychology major helps students examine in depth the foundations and biological, psychological, social, and cultural aspects of human and animal behavior.
The Psychology major provides students the ability to apply these perspectives to a variety of individual, family, and community contexts. As students progress through the curriculum, they have opportunities to assist faculty with research, as well as engage in their own research under faculty supervision.
A background in psychology can be a crucial component of a successful career in the healing arts, business, and politics. The program prepares students for graduate study in psychology and related fields, as well as careers in various professions.
Is This Major Right for You?
You might be a Psychology major if you:
- Desire in-depth learning and analysis opportunities
- Enjoy thinking critically
- Have a genuine interest in understanding human behavior
- Find yourself drawn to behavioral science and research
- Want to heal people and their communities
Explore More About This Major Below
Majors learn how the human mind functions. They learn about psychology as a discipline that uses an empirical approach to knowledge. Majors learn to use, respect, and value skeptical inquiry, critical thinking, and the scientific approach to understanding behavior.
Psychology majors also examine theory and methodology, demonstrate mastery of content, understand the application of knowledge and the scientific method, and comprehend biopsychosocial development across a lifespan.
Our students have access to state-of-the-art laboratory facilities. Students participate in Psychology Club, an on-campus and largely student-run organization, as well as in organizations such as Psi Chi, the international psychology honor society, and Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society.
Our students may join the Human Subject Pool, which allows them to participate in research conducted through the Psychology Department and acquire direct experience in social science research.
Our faculty members are experts in fields such as adulthood and aging; African American, Asian American, and Latino mental health; behavioral neuroscience; chemical dependency; clinical psychology; cognitive psychology; evolutionary psychology; stress management and burnout; and urban youth violence.
Faculty members conduct research and regularly present papers at conferences in this country and abroad. Faculty direct nonprofits, are members of professional associations, serve on editorial boards of journals, and publish books and articles in journals such as Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Neuropsychology Review, Brain and Language, Substance Use and Misuse, and The Urban League Review.
Our graduates' expertise in human behavior is applicable to careers requiring interaction with other people. This means that administration, education, sales, counseling, writing, and computer programming – varied though they might seem – are among the myriad professional possibilities open to our graduates. Students also go on to attend graduate school.
- General Psychology
- Research Methods
- Statistical Methods for Psychology
- Brain and Behavior
- Autism: Mind, Brain, Education
- Sensation and Perception
- African and Black Psychology
- Behavioral Neuroscience
- Clinical Psychology
- Psychology on Film
- Community Psychology
- Community-Based Service Learning, Integration and Psychology
- Clinical Neuroscience
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Developmental Psychology
- Gender & Diversity (Capstone)
- Evolutionary Psychology
- Evolutionary Psychology of Sex Differences
- Family processes and Counseling
- Healing and Wholeness
- Lifespan Development
- Religion and Psychology
- Personality
- Psychology of Gender
- Psychology of Sustainability (Capstone)
- Psychology of Marriage
- Psychology of Trauma and Resilience
- Psychology in a Global Context
- Psychopathy
- Senior Assessment
- Social Psychology
- Urban Psychology
- Advanced Research Methods
- Honors in Psychology