Screenwriting Minor

Screenwriting for Stage and Screen. A minor for English Majors Only

The collaborative Departments of English and Screenwriting now offer a unique dramatic writing minor for English majors. This 18 unit curriculum emphasizes creativity, process, and individual expression without sacrificing the full development of the skills and self-discipline necessary to become professional screenwriters, television writers, and playwrights.

Our students delve deep into their imaginations and personal lives to come up with stories that will entertain, amuse, uplift, and challenge audiences.

Our professors lead workshops in the art of character, dialogue, plotting, visual writing, dramaturgy, adaptation, classic and alternative structures, dramatic literature, as well as provide real-world experience of the entertainment industry.

Simply complete these four required courses:

  • FTVS 210 Art of the Cinema
  • SCWR 220 Beginning Screenwriting
  • SCWR 320 Intermediate Screenwriting
  • SCRW 321 Completing the Feature

Then choose two from the following:

  • SCWR 325 Writing the Television Sitcom
  • SCWR 426 Writing for Television
  • SCWR 428 Adaptation

And we recommend any of these from your major:

  • ENGL 200 Language of Drama
  • ENGL 316 Modern Drama
  • ENGL 326 Contemporary Drama
  • ENGL 351 Classical Mythology
  • ENGL 376 Street Write
  • ENGL 413 Play Writing Workshop: One Acts
  • ENGL 407 Reviewing the Arts
  • ENGL 424 Play Writing Workshop: Full Lengths
  • ENGL 433 Play Writing Workshop: Adaptations
  • ENGL 580 Comparative Drama

For more information contact:

LMU School of Film and Television
Communications Arts Building
1 LMU Drive
Los Angeles, California