Soka Gakkai International Student Club

Soka Gakkai International is a world peace organization where we respect the dignity of our lives and strive for absolute happiness. Our meetings comprise of an intimate group of passionate individuals who strive to make the best causes they possibly can to create value in their lives and tap their inner Buddhahood. Our mission is to discuss the philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism in the context of our daily lives as university students. The campus club represents the general student body as we have both graduate and undergraduate students of various fields of academic study, ethnicity, and background. Faculty and counselors on campus who are members of the national SGI organization also support us. Any LMU student is welcome to join the meetings and participate in the discussions. The common ground is our interest in humanistic education and self-empowerment, as well as our wish for world peace.

Our club meetings provide a space for open dialogue between students, discussing ways Buddhism can explain the challenges of modern living. Students can learn about a humanistic philosophy that encourages self-empowerment and social leadership. By promoting an understanding of how Nichiren Buddhism can be applied to the challenges of modern living, our activities contribute to the development of peace, culture and education within society, inspire respect for cultural diversity and human rights, and encourage the protection of nature and the environment. We also discuss Soka education, a form of humanistic education that was proposed by educators of the nineteenth century: Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda. After our meetings, our members and guests always take home the following:

  • A support group for students to turn to for both the struggles and joys of life.
  • An understanding of how their obstacles can be seen in the Buddhist perspective – realizing that
    obstacles are actually cultivating our personality and strengthening our character.
  • A place where they can find a sense of purpose and an understanding of what "absolute
    happiness" is.
  • To gain more self-awareness and appreciation by reflecting on our actions.

Join SGI

Learn more about SGI today at Contact club President Arnav Jain at for information on joining the student club at LMU.

Our 2018 Nuclear Disarmament Exhibit ran from January-February in LMU's Hannon Library, featuring 40 panels on the threats of nuclear warfare and possible solutions
On February 22, 2018 we held a closing reception for our Nuclear Disarmament Exhibit, celebrating our shared commitment to creating a nuclear-weapon-free world
Our Club Meetings
Our bi-weekly meetings consist of presentations about buddhist concepts and insight into leading a life of absolute happiness
Our community center is located in beautiful Santa Monica, California
Interfaith Dialogue
We follow the philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism and participate in Interfaith Dialogue panels to discuss peace in action and the importance of seeking justice through peace