Alumni Testimonials
- Sr. Solimar Ruiz, '22
- Gustavo Lopez, '16
- Jill Origer Tabit, '09
- Peter D. Bennet, '07
M.A. Pastoral Theology
Missionary Sisters Servants of the WordThe opportunity given to me by Loyola Marymount University has made an impact on my life, not only in my ministry but also in my personal life. I am Sister Solimar Aniuska Ruiz, I am part of the religious community, Missionary Sisters Servants of the Word, and I began the master's program in pastoral theology when I was 28 years old and in my third year of temporary vows. I mention this because I would like to emphasize the challenge that my religious community took on by allowing me this opportunity. I am the first sister allowed to study abroad and be on a mission. I know that this opportunity has opened many doors in several ways, and I would like to share them.
First, the personal experience during the study time was challenging. The classes encouraged me to reflect on my consecrated life and seek a Christlike life. The branch of pastoral theology is so rich and encourages us to see from other lenses. Undoubtedly, on a personal level, the courses required me not to be a self-contained nun, but quite the opposite, to go out into the streets and see how to expand the kingdom of God in a post-modern world.
Second, in my apostolic environment, I have had the opportunity to teach in the formative stages for the consecrated life. Recently, I was asked to teach at the Ministers Formation Institute (MFI) in the Diocese of San Bernardino. In the same way, I have been asked to do the commentary on a book of the Bible for a new translation that will come out by the end of 2023. This education that I have received at LMU has opened doors in many ways.
Finally , this experience has also had an impact in my community, several sisters have been motivated to further their studies when seeing that it is possible to study and be in mission. Several sisters have mentioned to me their interest in studying to be able to give a better service in their ministries.
I am extremely grateful to LMU for extending their support in education for women religious. Without a doubt, the support that the university provided, both financial and educational, was of great kindness.
La oportunidad que se me brindó en la universidad de Loyola Marymount ha hecho un impacto en mi vida, no solo en mi apostolado sino también en mi vida personal. Soy la hermana Solimar Aniuska Ruiz , pertenezco a la comunidad religiosa, Hermanas Misioneras Servidoras de la Palabra, e inicié el programa de maestría en teología pastoral cuando tenía 28 años y estaba en mi tercer año de votos temporales. Digo todo esto porque quisiera hacer un énfasis en el reto que mi comunidad religiosa tomo al permitirme esta oportunidad. Soy la primera hermana que permitieron estudiar en el extranjero y estando en misión. Se que esta oportunidad ha abierto compuertas en varios canales y quisiera compartirlos.
Primero, la experiencia personal durante el tiempo de estudio fue un reto. La clases me impulsaron a hacer una revisión de mi vida consagrada y ver cómo puedo ser una verdadera cristiana. La rama de teología pastoral tiene tanta riqueza para impulsarnos a ver desde otros lentes. Sin duda, en un nivel personal, los cursos me exigieron a no ser una religiosa encerada en sí misma, sino todo lo contrario, salir a las calles y ver como dilatar el reino de Dios en un tiempo post moderno.
Segundo, en mi ambiente apostólico, he tenido la oportunidad de dar clases en las etapas formativas para la vida consagrada. Recientemente , me pidieron dar clases en el Instituto de Formación para los Ministerios (MFI) en la diócesis de San Bernardino. De igual manera me han pedido comentar un libro de la biblia para una nueva traducción que saldrá a finales del 2023. Gracias a Dios esta educación que he recibido en LMU ha abierto puertas de muchas maneras.
Tercero, En mi comunidad , varias hermanas se han motivado al ver que si es posible estudiar y estar en misión. Varias han comentado su interés en estudiar para poder dar un servicio mejor en sus misiones.
Estoy sumamente agradecida con LMU, por extender su apoyo en la educación para religiosas. Sin duda el apoyo que la universidad brindo, tanto financiera como educativa, fue de gran bondad.
M.A. Pastoral Theology
Pediatric Hospice Chaplain, Providence TrinityKids Hospice"I received my pastoral theology masters from LMU in the summer of 2016. A year after graduation I was able to begin my vocation as a chaplain by beginning my Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program. During summer I did a 3-month internship at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Soon after I began my one-year residency program at Providence Saint John’s Health Center. Recently, I finished my CPE program and I am working under Providence TrinityKids Hospice Care as a Pediatric Hospice Chaplain.
I am fully aware that when people read the word chaplain on my badge, they immediately see me as a symbol of religion, faith, and God. For this reason I know that I must be well prepared to be theologically challenged; it is extremely important for me to feel secured in my theology, so that I can be a supporting presence for the patients and families I serve.
This is why I am very happy to have attended LMU under the theology program. I feel the classes on Ignatius spirituality and our Jesuit theology have given me a strong base to be able to accompany the people I meet as a chaplain. As an LMU graduate I feel I have gained a spiritual wisdom that not only has prepared me as a Chaplain, but has provided for me an understanding of how to engage with our culture and society as a Catholic, Christian, and Citizen."
President, New DAWN Africa, Inc.
"LMU gave me tools and confidence to go out in the world and make a difference! Rooted in solid theological foundations, bolstered with critical thinking skills, my education empowered me to start a Non-Profit with the mission of global social justice."
Learn more about New Dawn Africa, the non-profit that Jill founded, which provides much needed maternal healthcare in Kenya:
M.A. Pastoral Theology
Lecturer, University of San Diego"The most important quality of the Graduate Theology program at LMU is the strong sense of community that exists among students, faculty, staff, and the broader LMU family. To this day - despite the distances of time and space - I have the sense that I "belong" with everybody who is connected to LMU Graduate Theology. As my career has moved from parish ministry to high school education to university professor, retreat and workshop presenter, and spiritual director, what I experienced about community at LMU has formed the way that I approach the very human realities of education, work, and ministry."