Courses Offered

Click below to see course offerings in Catholic Studies during the 2018-2019 academic year.

  • Course




    CATH 1020
    American Catholicism


    MWF 11:30am-12:30pm
    UNH 1405

    FND: Theological Inquiry

    CATH 1020
    American Catholicism

    TBA  MWF 12:40-1:40pm
    UNH 1405 
    FND: Theological Inquiry 

    CATH 1030
    Explrng the Cath Theolgcl Trad


    MW 12:40-2:10pm
    UNH 4802

    FND: Theological Inquiry

    CATH 1030
    Explrng the Cath Theolgcl Trad

    Cutter, E

    MWF 1:50-2:50pm
    STR 357

    FND: Theological Inquiry

    CATH 1030
    Explrng the Cath Theolgcl Trad

    Cutter, E

    TR 2:40-4:10pm
    UNH 1222

    FND: Theological Inquiry

    CATH 1030
    Explrng the Cath Theolgcl Trad

    Cutter, E

    MWF 3:00-4:00pm
    STR 357

    FND: Theological Inquiry

    CATH 3100

    Rudnick, K

    TR 9:40-11:10am
    STR 246

    INT: Ethics & Justice

    CATH 3100

    Nemoianu, V

    MWF 10:20-11:20am
    UNH 1401

    INT: Ethics & Justice

    CATH 3100

    Speak, D

    MWF 10:20-11:20am
    UNH 1866

    INT: Ethics & Justice

    CATH 3240
    Water, Word, and Wine

    Reeves, M

    MW 8:00-9:30am
    UNH 3111

    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Engaged Learning
    FLAG: Writing

    CATH 3998
    SS: 20C Catholic Philosophy

    Roniger, S

    MW 9:40-11:10am
    UNH 3111

    INT: Faith & Reason

    CATH 3998
    SS: Jesus, Kingdom, Church

    Rausch, T

    MW 9:40-11:10am
    UNH 3324

    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Information Literacy

    CATH 3998
    SS:American Soul

    Bennett, G

    TR 9:40-11:10am
    STR 361


    CATH 3998
    SS:Seeking Faith/Promotng Just

    Petrusek, M

    TR 9:40-11:10am
    STR 358

    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Engaged Learning
    FLAG: Writing

    CATH 3998
    SS:Catholic Theolgy & Soc Just

    Cutter, E

    MWF 11:30am-12:30pm
    UNH 2001

    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Engaged Learning

    CATH 3998
    SS:Archaeology & the Bible

    Fulco, W

    TR 1:00-2:30pm
    UNH 3328

    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Writing

    CATH 3998
    SS: The Cross & Lynching Tree

    Harris, K

    MWF 3:00-4:100pm
    STR 354

    INT: Faith & Reason 

    CATH 3998
    SS:Interreligious Exp/Engagmnt

    Diamond, M

    W 4:20-7:20pm
    STR 248

    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Engaged Learning

    CATH 4998
    SS: Viking World

    Perron, A

    MW 2:20-3:50pm
    STR 022

    FLAG: Quantitative Literacy

    CATH 4998
    SS: Faith and Business

    McGrath, C

    MW 2:20-3:35pm
    HIL 023

    INT: Interdisciplinary Connect
    FLAG: Engaged Learning
    FLAG: Oral Skills

  • Course




    CATH 1020
    American Catholicism


    MWF 10:20-11:20am
    UNH 3226

    FND: Theological Inquiry

    CATH 1020
    American Catholicism 

    TBA  MWF 11:30am-12:30pm
    UNH 3226 
    FND: Theological Inquiry 

    CATH 1030
    Explrng the Cath Theolgcl Trad

    Cutter, E

    MWF 1:50-2:50pm
    UNH 1401

    FND: Theological Inquiry

    CATH 1030
    Explrng the Cath Theolgcl Trad

    Hung, Phan, B TR 2:40-4:10pm
    UNH 1404
    FND: Theological Inquiry

    CATH 1030
    Explrng the Cath Theolgcl Trad

    Cutter, E

    MWF 3:00-4:00pm
    UNH 1401

    FND: Theological Inquiry

    CATH 3100

    Roniger, S MW 9:40-11:10am
    INT: Ethics & Justice

    CATH 3100

    Rudnick, K  TR 9:40-11:10am
    UNH 1226 
    INT: Ethics & Justice 

    CATH 3105
    Ethics of Love and Marriage

    Kaczor, C TR 1:00-2:30pm
    UNH 1403
    CATH 3240 
    Water, Word, and Wine
    Reeves, M  TR 8:00-9:30am
    UNH 1218
    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Engaged Learning
    FLAG: Writing

    CATH 3241
    Meeting Christ in Faith & Art

    Gonzalez-Andrieu, C MW 9:40-11:10am
    UNH 2002 
    INT: Faith & Reason 

    CATH 3241
    Meeting Christ in Faith & Art

    Gonzalez-Andrieu, C MW 2:20-3:50pm
    UNH 3316 
    INT: Faith & Reason 
    CATH 3998
    SS:Latino Relig & Spirituality
    Deck, A MW 9:40-11:10am
    UNH 3230
    INT: Faith & Reason 

    CATH 3998
    SS: Spirituality St. Ignatius

    Bennett, G TR 9:40-11:10am
    UNH 3111 
    INT: Faith & Reason 

    CATH 3998
    SS: Apostle Paul: Then & Now

    Siker, J TR 9:40-11:10am
    UNH 1218 
    INT: Faith & Reason

    CATH 3998 
    SS:Cath Theology & Social Jstc

    Cutter, E MWF 11:30am-12:30pm
    UNH 1222
    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Engaged Learning

    CATH 3998
    SS: Medieval Philosophy

    Roniger, S MW 2:20-3:50pm
    UNH 3226
    INT: Faith & Reason 

    CATH 3998
    SS:Interreligious Exp & Engmnt

    Diamond, M T 4:20-7:20pm
    SEA 111
    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Engaged Learning

    CATH 3998
    SS: Ministry & Pastoral Ldrshp

    Horan, M TR 11:20am-12:50pm
    UNH 1404
    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Engaged Learning
    FLAG: Oral Skills 

    CATH 3998
    SS: Ministry & Pastoral Ldrshp

    Horan, M  TR 1:00-2:30pm
    UNH 1404 
    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Engaged Learning
    FLAG: Oral Skills 

    CATH 3998
    SS: Islam in America

    Hussain, A TR 11:20am-12:50pm
    UNH 3226
    INT: Faith & Reason
    FLAG: Oral Skills
    FLAG: Writing 
    CATH 4998
    SS: Lonergan 
    Murray, E 

    TR 9:40-11:10am
    UNH 3324 


    CATH 4998
    SS: Italian Renaissance Art

    Noreen, K

    TR 11:20am-12:50pm
    BUR 211

    EXP: Hist Analysis & Perspctv
    FLAG: Writing