Journalism – the sharing of information as it happens, when it happens – is a discipline that interlaces practices of knowledge and of narrative. It is both a historic literary endeavor and an engaged contemporary skill. As readers and writers we are concerned with stories -- who tells them about whom, how they are told, how they arrive at an audience, and what happens to them when they become “public.” Our program directly engages LMU’s mission of the promotion of justice by offering hands-on instruction from veteran journalists in the reporting, writing, editing, and technological skills that students need to become professional and ethical journalists. We balance practice with theory by critiquing media representations through the lenses of critical studies, rhetoric, and communication theory. The interdisciplinary major and minor incorporates instruction in print, digital, video, photography, and audio production. Working in the heart of L.A. media, students are connected to communities and lives of social, political, cultural, and moral import. Telling people’s stories is our mission.